path: root/AoC2023
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'AoC2023')
2 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AoC2023/day03/input b/AoC2023/day03/input
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44251ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AoC2023/day03/input
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
diff --git a/AoC2023/day03/solver.lisp b/AoC2023/day03/solver.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9c799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AoC2023/day03/solver.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(ql:quickload '(fiveam cl-ppcre))
+(defparameter eg-input "467..114..
+(defun inbounds (row-max col-max)
+ (lambda (cell)
+ (destructuring-bind (row . col) cell
+ (and (<= 0 row row-max)
+ (<= 0 col col-max)))))
+(defun contour (row start end)
+ (list*
+ (cons row (1- start))
+ (cons row end)
+ (loop for i from (1- start) to end
+ collect (cons (1- row) i)
+ collect (cons (1+ row) i))))
+(defun is-relevant (limits rows)
+ (lambda(row start end)
+ (some
+ (lambda (cell)
+ (and (funcall limits cell)
+ (destructuring-bind (row . col) cell
+ (let ((char (aref (aref rows row) col)))
+ (not (or (digit-char-p char)
+ (eq #\. char)))))))
+ (contour row start end))))
+(defun solver1 (lines)
+ (let* ((rows (make-array (length lines) :initial-contents lines
+ :adjustable t))
+ (limits (inbounds (1- (length lines))
+ (1- (length (car lines)))))
+ (keep (is-relevant limits rows))
+ (sum 0))
+ (loop for row below (length lines)
+ for content = (aref rows row) do
+ (cl-ppcre:do-scans (start end _rs _re "\\d+" content)
+ (when (funcall keep row start end)
+ ;; (format t "~a ~a ~a~%" start end (subseq content start end))
+ (incf sum (parse-integer (subseq content start end))))))
+ sum))
+(defun adjacent-numbers (line gear-start)
+ (loop for (num-start num-end) on (cl-ppcre:all-matches "\\d+" line) by #'cddr
+ when (<= (1- num-start) gear-start num-end)
+ collect (parse-integer (subseq line num-start num-end))))
+(defun solver2 (lines)
+ (let* ((rows (make-array (length lines) :initial-contents lines
+ :adjustable t))
+ (limits (inbounds (1- (length lines))
+ (1- (length (car lines)))))
+ (sum 0))
+ (loop for row below (length lines)
+ for content = (aref rows row) do
+ (loop for (gear-start end) on (cl-ppcre:all-matches "\\*" content) by #'cddr do
+ (let ((ratios
+ (append
+ (when (funcall limits (cons (1- row) gear-start))
+ (adjacent-numbers (aref rows (1- row)) gear-start))
+ (adjacent-numbers content gear-start)
+ (when (funcall limits (cons (1+ row) gear-start))
+ (adjacent-numbers (aref rows (1+ row)) gear-start)))))
+ (when (= 2 (length ratios))
+ (incf sum (* (car ratios) (cadr ratios)))))))
+ sum))
+(fiveam:test solutions
+ (fiveam:is (= 4361 (solver1 (uiop:split-string eg-input :separator '(#\Newline)))))
+ (fiveam:is (= 467835 (solver2 (uiop:split-string eg-input :separator '(#\Newline)))))
+ (fiveam:is (= 531561 (solver1 (uiop:read-file-lines "input"))))
+ (fiveam:is (= 83279367(solver2 (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))))