path: root/AoC2022/15/solver.lisp
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authorOscar Najera <hi@oscarnajera.com>2022-12-17 21:21:23 +0100
committerOscar Najera <hi@oscarnajera.com>2022-12-17 21:21:23 +0100
commit9a74572be82cadabd7c09ce16d966db0d36dc9c9 (patch)
tree18071b5c70564167dec61a950be92c7a8d72c60e /AoC2022/15/solver.lisp
parent9b40049d0841b9caa5712d54e6c71c6c9fbf67ab (diff)
[AoC2022] Common LISP day 15 fast enough solution
Diffstat (limited to 'AoC2022/15/solver.lisp')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/AoC2022/15/solver.lisp b/AoC2022/15/solver.lisp
index 3f35476..25bf982 100644
--- a/AoC2022/15/solver.lisp
+++ b/AoC2022/15/solver.lisp
@@ -1,37 +1,4 @@
-(ql:quickload '(fiveam str cl-ppcre arrows uiop iterate))
-(use-package :iterate)
-;; Obsolete drawing
-(defun grid (bounds)
- (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
- (make-array (* (- xmax xmin -1) (- ymax ymin -1)) :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 2))))
-(defun in-grid (bounds)
- (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
- (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
- (lambda (x y)
- (when (and (<= xmin x xmax) (<= ymin y ymax))
- (+ (- x xmin) (* (- y ymin) stride)))))))
-(defun from-grid (bounds)
- (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin _)) bounds
- (declare (ignore _))
- (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
- (lambda (pos)
- (multiple-value-bind (y x) (floor pos stride)
- (cons (+ x xmin) (+ y ymin)))))))
-(defun draw-grid (grid stride)
- (let ((out (make-string-output-stream)))
- (loop for elt across grid
- for idx from 0
- do (progn (when (= 0 (mod idx stride)) (terpri out))
- (princ (case elt
- (0 ".")
- (1 "S")
- (2 "B")
- (3 "#")) out)))
- (get-output-stream-string out)))
+(ql:quickload '(fiveam cl-ppcre uiop))
;; Actual problem
(defun manhattan-dist (pos-sensor pos-beacon)
@@ -66,7 +33,7 @@
(defun count-cover (markers target-row)
(let ((coverages (sensor-coverage markers)))
- (destructuring-bind (xmin xmax) (sensor-range-on-row coverages target-row)
+ (destructuring-bind (xmin xmax) (sensor-range-on-row coverages target-row)
(- (loop with y = target-row
for x from xmin to xmax
:count (loop for ((sx . sy) range) in coverages
@@ -76,81 +43,28 @@
(beacons-in-row markers target-row)))))
;; solution part 1
-(count-cover (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")) 10)
-(count-cover (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "input")) 2000000)
-(defun bounds (markers)
- (list (list
- (loop for (x . y) in markers minimize x)
- (loop for (x . y) in markers maximize x))
- (list
- (loop for (x . y) in markers minimize y)
- (loop for (x . y) in markers maximize y))))
- (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in"))
- (beacons-in-row 16)
- ;; (delete-duplicates :key #'car)
- ;; (sensor-coverage)
- ;; (sensor-range-on-row 10)
- )
-(defun overlap (a0 a1 b0 b1)
- "Test if [b0;b1] overlaps [a0;a1]"
- (and (<= a0 b1) (<= b0 a1)))
-(loop with intervals = nil
- for ((sx . sy) beacon) on markers by #'cddr
- for cover = (max 0 (- (manhattan-dist sensor beacon) (abs (- sy 11))))
- do (let ((l (- sx cover))
- (r (+ sx cover)))
- (cond
- ((some (lambda (int) (overlap l r (car int) (cdr int))) intervals)
- )))
+(fiveam:test part1
+ (fiveam:is (= 26 (count-cover (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")) 10)))
+ (fiveam:is (= 5040643 (count-cover (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "input")) 2000000))))
- maximize into max
- minimize into min
- finally (return (cons min max))
- )
-(defun coverage-edge (sensor coverage low high)
+(defun coverage-edge (sensor coverage low high test)
(destructuring-bind (x . y) sensor
(let ((edge (1+ coverage)))
- (arrows:-<>
- (loop for cx from (- x edge) to (+ x edge)
- collecting (cons cx (- y (- edge (abs (- x cx)))))
- collecting (cons cx (+ y (- edge (abs (- x cx))))))
- (delete-if-not (lambda (point)
- (and (<= low (car point) high)
- (<= low (cdr point) high)))
- <>)
- (delete-duplicates <> :test #'equal)))))
-(defun fail-freq-edge (markers bound)
- (let ((sensor-coverage (sensor-coverage markers)))
- (loop for (sensor coverage) in sensor-coverage
- :for candi = (loop for edge-point in (coverage-edge sensor coverage bound)
- :unless
- (loop for (other-sensor range) in sensor-coverage
- :thereis (<= (manhattan-dist edge-point other-sensor) range))
- :return edge-point)
- :when candi
- :return (list sensor coverage candi))))
-(fail-freq-edge (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")) 20)
-(coverage-edge (cons 2 18) 7 20)
-(coverage-edge (cons 9 16) 1 20)
-(coverage-edge (cons 20 1) 7 20)
-;; fail coverage
+ (loop named dangling
+ for cx from (max low (- x edge)) to (min high (+ x edge))
+ for available = (- edge (abs (- x cx)))
+ :do (loop for cy in (list (- y available) (+ y available))
+ :when (and (<= low cy high)
+ (not (funcall test (cons cx cy))))
+ :do (return-from dangling (list cx cy)))))))
+(defun point-covered (sensor-coverage)
+ (lambda (point)
+ (loop for (other-sensor range) in sensor-coverage
+ :thereis (<= (manhattan-dist point other-sensor) range))))
+;; fail coverage too slow
(defun fail-freq (markers bound)
(loop :for y from 0 to bound
:for col = (loop :for x from 0 to bound
@@ -161,48 +75,86 @@
:when col
:return (+ (* 4000000 col) y)))
-(fail-freq (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")) 20)
-(fail-freq-edge (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "input")) 4000000)
-(let* ((markers )
- (bound 20)))
+(defun fail-freq-edge (markers low high)
+ (let* ((sensor-coverage (sensor-coverage markers))
+ (covered-p (point-covered sensor-coverage)))
+ (loop for (sensor coverage) in sensor-coverage
+ :when (coverage-edge sensor coverage low high covered-p)
+ :return it)))
-(let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines "input"))
- (markers (markers lines))
- (bounds (bounds markers)))
- (list
+(defun tune-soluton (position)
+ (destructuring-bind (x y) position
+ (+ (* x 4000000) y)))
- (loop for (sensor beacon) on markers by #'cddr
- maximize (manhattan-dist sensor beacon))))
+(fiveam:test part2
+ (fiveam:is (= 56000011 (tune-soluton (fail-freq-edge (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")) 0 20))))
+ (fiveam:is (= 11016575214126 (tune-soluton (fail-freq-edge (markers (uiop:read-file-lines "input")) 2700000 3300000)))))
+;; Obsolete drawing
+(defun grid (bounds)
+ (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
+ (make-array (* (- xmax xmin -1) (- ymax ymin -1)) :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 2))))
+(defun in-grid (bounds)
+ (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
+ (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (when (and (<= xmin x xmax) (<= ymin y ymax))
+ (+ (- x xmin) (* (- y ymin) stride)))))))
-(loop for (x))
-(make-array (* 4000000 4000000) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1) :initial-element 0)
+(defun from-grid (bounds)
+ (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin _)) bounds
+ (declare (ignore _))
+ (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
+ (lambda (pos)
+ (multiple-value-bind (y x) (floor pos stride)
+ (cons (+ x xmin) (+ y ymin)))))))
-(let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in"))
- (markers (markers lines))
- (bounds (bounds markers))
- (loc (in-grid bounds))
- (grid (grid bounds))
- (coords (from-grid bounds)))
- (loop for ((sx . sy) (bx . by)) on markers by #'cddr
- do (progn (setf (aref grid (funcall loc sx sy)) 1)
- (setf (aref grid (funcall loc bx by)) 2)))
+(defun draw-grid (grid stride)
+ (let ((out (make-string-output-stream)))
+ (loop for elt across grid
+ for idx from 0
+ do (progn (when (= 0 (mod idx stride)) (terpri out))
+ (princ (case elt
+ (0 ".")
+ (1 "S")
+ (2 "B")
+ (3 "#")) out)))
+ (get-output-stream-string out)))
- (loop for (sensor beacon) on markers by #'cddr
- for distance = (manhattan-dist sensor beacon)
- do (loop
- for elt across grid
- and l from 0
- when (and (<= (manhattan-dist sensor (funcall coords l)) distance) (= elt 0))
- do (setf (aref grid l) 3)))
+(defun bounds (markers)
+ (list (list
+ (loop for (x . y) in markers minimize x)
+ (loop for (x . y) in markers maximize x))
+ (list
+ (loop for (x . y) in markers minimize y)
+ (loop for (x . y) in markers maximize y))))
- (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
- (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
- (princ (draw-grid grid stride))
- (loop repeat stride
- for l from (* (+ 10 ymin) stride)
- when (= 3 (aref grid l))
- count it))))
+(defun draw-example-coverage ()
+ (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in"))
+ (markers (markers lines))
+ (bounds (bounds markers))
+ (loc (in-grid bounds))
+ (grid (grid bounds))
+ (coords (from-grid bounds)))
+ (loop for ((sx . sy) (bx . by)) on markers by #'cddr
+ do (progn (setf (aref grid (funcall loc sx sy)) 1)
+ (setf (aref grid (funcall loc bx by)) 2)))
+ (loop for (sensor beacon) on markers by #'cddr
+ for distance = (manhattan-dist sensor beacon)
+ do (loop
+ for elt across grid
+ and l from 0
+ when (and (<= (manhattan-dist sensor (funcall coords l)) distance) (= elt 0))
+ do (setf (aref grid l) 3)))
+ (destructuring-bind ((xmin xmax) (ymin ymax)) bounds
+ (declare (ignore ymax))
+ (let ((stride (- xmax xmin -1)))
+ (princ (draw-grid grid stride))
+ (loop repeat stride
+ for l from (* (+ 10 ymin) stride)
+ when (= 3 (aref grid l))
+ count it)))))