path: root/ecc.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ecc.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/ecc.hs b/ecc.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fe1a0..0000000
--- a/ecc.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Proxy
-import GHC.TypeLits
-import Text.Printf (PrintfArg, printf)
--- FiniteFields
-newtype FieldElement (n :: Nat) = FieldElement Integer deriving Eq
-instance KnownNat n => Num (FieldElement n) where
- FieldElement x + FieldElement y = fromInteger $ x + y
- FieldElement x * FieldElement y = fromInteger $ x * y
- abs x = x
- signum _ = 1
- negate (FieldElement x) = fromInteger $ negate x
- fromInteger a = FieldElement (mod a n) where n = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
-instance KnownNat n => Fractional (FieldElement n) where
- recip a = a ^ (n - 2) where n = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
- fromRational r = error "cant transform" -- fromInteger (numerator r) / fromInteger (denominator r)
-instance KnownNat n => Show (FieldElement n) where
- show (FieldElement a) | n == (2 ^ 256 - 2 ^ 32 - 977) = printf "0x%064x" a
- | otherwise = "FieldElement_" ++ show n ++ " " ++ show a
- where n = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
-assert :: Bool -> Bool
-assert False = error "WRONG"
-assert x = x
-aa =
- let a = FieldElement 2 :: FieldElement 31
- b = FieldElement 15
- in (a + b == FieldElement 17, a /= b, a - b == FieldElement 18)
-bb =
- let a = FieldElement 19 :: FieldElement 31
- b = FieldElement 24
- in a * b
--- Elliptic curve
-data ECPoint a
- = Infinity
- | ECPoint
- { x :: a
- , y :: a
- , a :: a
- , b :: a
- }
- deriving (Eq)
-instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (PrintfArg a, Num a) => Show (ECPoint a) where
- show Infinity = "ECPoint(Infinity)"
- show p = printf "ECPoint(%f, %f)_%f_%f" (x p) (y p) (a p) (b p)
-instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownNat n => Show (ECPoint (FieldElement n)) where
- show Infinity = "ECPoint(Infinity)"
- show p | n == (2 ^ 256 - 2 ^ 32 - 977) = "S256Point" ++ points
- | otherwise = "ECPoint_" ++ show n ++ points ++ params
- where
- n = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
- points = "(" ++ si (x p) ++ ", " ++ si (y p) ++ ")"
- params = "a_" ++ si (a p) ++ "|b_" ++ si (b p)
- si (FieldElement r) | n == (2 ^ 256 - 2 ^ 32 - 977) = printf "0x%064x" r
- | otherwise = show r
-validECPoint :: (Eq a, Num a) => ECPoint a -> Bool
-validECPoint Infinity = True
-validECPoint (ECPoint x y a b) = y ^ 2 == x ^ 3 + a * x + b
-add :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => ECPoint a -> ECPoint a -> ECPoint a
-add Infinity p = p
-add p Infinity = p
-add p q | a p /= a q || b p /= b q = error "point not on same curve"
- | x p == x q && y p /= y q = Infinity
- | x p /= x q = new_point $ (y q - y p) / (x q - x p)
- | x p == x q && y p == 0 = Infinity
- | p == q = new_point $ (3 * x p ^ 2 + a p) / (2 * y p)
- | otherwise = error "Unexpected case of points"
- where
- new_point slope =
- let new_x = slope ^ 2 - x p - x q
- new_y = slope * (x p - new_x) - y p
- in ECPoint new_x new_y (a p) (b p)
-binaryExpansion :: (Semigroup a) => Integer -> a -> a -> a
-binaryExpansion m value result
- | m == 0 = result
- | otherwise = binaryExpansion (m `shiftR` 1) (value <> value) accumulator
- where accumulator = if m .&. 1 == 1 then result <> value else result
-scalarProduct :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => Integer -> ECPoint a -> ECPoint a
-scalarProduct m ec = binaryExpansion m ec Infinity
-instance (Eq a, Fractional a) => Semigroup (ECPoint a) where
- (<>) = add
-instance (Eq a, Fractional a) => Monoid (ECPoint a) where
- mempty = Infinity
-tre = FieldElement 3 :: FieldElement 31
-cc =
- let a = ECPoint tre (-7) 5 7
- b = ECPoint 18 77 5 7
- c = ECPoint (-1) (-1) 5 7
- in ( validECPoint a
- , validECPoint b
- , validECPoint c
- , a /= b
- , a == a
- , add Infinity a
- , add a (ECPoint 3 7 5 7)
- , add (ECPoint 3 7 5 7) c
- , add c c
- )
-dd =
- let a = FieldElement 0 :: FieldElement 223
- b = FieldElement 7
- x = FieldElement 192
- y = FieldElement 105
- in ECPoint x y a b
-ee = ECPoint 192 105 (FieldElement 0 :: FieldElement 223) 7
-ff = ECPoint 192 105 0 7 :: ECPoint (FieldElement 223)
-aPoint = ECPoint 192 105 0 7 :: ECPoint (FieldElement 223)
-total = add aPoint $ add aPoint $ add aPoint $ add aPoint aPoint
-totalfold = foldr add Infinity $ replicate 5 aPoint
-totalmconcat = mconcat $ replicate 5 aPoint
-type S256Field = FieldElement (2 ^ 256- 2^ 32 - 977)
-type NField
- = FieldElement
- 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
-type S256Point = ECPoint S256Field
-s256point :: S256Field -> S256Field -> S256Point
-s256point x y =
- let p = ECPoint x y 0 7
- in if validECPoint p then p else error "Invalid point"
-li :: S256Field
-li = 12
-ll :: ECPoint (FieldElement 31)
-ll = Infinity
-ri = ECPoint 3 7 5 7 :: S256Point
-ncons = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
-gcons = s256point
- 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
- 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
-asInt :: KnownNat n => FieldElement n -> Integer
-asInt (FieldElement n) = n
--- z = 0xbc62d4b80d9e36da29c16c5d4d9f11731f36052c72401a76c23c0fb5a9b74423
--- r = 0x37206a0610995c58074999cb9767b87af4c4978db68c06e8e6e81d282047a7c6
--- s = 0x8ca63759c1157ebeaec0d03cecca119fc9a75bf8e6d0fa65c841c8e2738cdaec ::NField
--- px = 0x04519fac3d910ca7e7138f7013706f619fa8f033e6ec6e09370ea38cee6a7574
--- py = 0x82b51eab8c27c66e26c858a079bcdf4f1ada34cec420cafc7eac1a42216fb6c4
--- point = s256point px py
--- u = z / s
--- v = r / s
--- signa = scalarProduct (asInt u) gcons <> scalarProduct (asInt v) point
-pub = s256point
- 0x887387e452b8eacc4acfde10d9aaf7f6d9a0f975aabb10d006e4da568744d06c
- 0x61de6d95231cd89026e286df3b6ae4a894a3378e393e93a0f45b666329a0ae34
-z1 = 0xec208baa0fc1c19f708a9ca96fdeff3ac3f230bb4a7ba4aede4942ad003c0f60
-r1 = 0xac8d1c87e51d0d441be8b3dd5b05c8795b48875dffe00b7ffcfac23010d3a395
-s1 =
- 0x68342ceff8935ededd102dd876ffd6ba72d6a427a3edb13d26eb0781cb423c4 :: NField
-signa1 =
- scalarProduct (asInt $ z1 / s1) gcons <> scalarProduct (asInt $ r1 / s1) pub
-z2 = 0x7c076ff316692a3d7eb3c3bb0f8b1488cf72e1afcd929e29307032997a838a3d::NField
-r2 = 0xeff69ef2b1bd93a66ed5219add4fb51e11a840f404876325a1e8ffe0529a2c::NField
-s2 =
- 0xc7207fee197d27c618aea621406f6bf5ef6fca38681d82b2f06fddbdce6feab6 :: NField
-data Signature = Signature
- { r :: NField
- , s :: NField
- }
-verifySignanture :: NField -> Signature -> S256Point -> Bool
-verifySignanture z (Signature r s) pub = asInt (x target) == asInt r
- where
- target =
- scalarProduct (asInt $ z / s) gcons <> scalarProduct (asInt $ r / s) pub