path: root/lib/guile/mail-tools.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/guile/mail-tools.scm')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/guile/mail-tools.scm b/lib/guile/mail-tools.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d496c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/guile/mail-tools.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(define-module (mail-tools)
+ #:use-module (ffi notmuch)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (system ffi-help-rt)
+ #:use-module (system foreign)
+ #:export (rename-higher
+ get-uidvalidity
+ get-folder-uidvalidity
+ new-path
+ with-new
+ nm-open-database
+ nm-query-db
+ nm-result-messages
+ nm-header
+ nm-count-messages
+ nm-apply-tags
+ nm-iter
+ with-nm-database
+ with-nm-query))
+(define (rename-higher name limit)
+ (let ((mat (string-match ",U=[0-9]+" name)))
+ (if (and mat (< limit (string->number (substring (match:substring mat) 3))))
+ (string-append (match:prefix mat) (match:suffix mat))
+ name)))
+(define (get-uidvalidity port)
+ (read-line port)
+ (string->number (read-line port)))
+(define (get-folder-uidvalidity folder)
+ (call-with-input-file (string-append folder "/.uidvalidity") get-uidvalidity))
+(define (new-path path destination)
+ (let ((filename (basename path))
+ (submaildir (basename (dirname path))))
+ (string-join (list destination submaildir filename)
+ file-name-separator-string)))
+(define (with-new rule new)
+ (list
+ (if new (string-append (car rule) " -new") (car rule))
+ (if new
+ (if (string=? (cadr rule) "*")
+ "tag:new"
+ (simple-format #f "(~a) and ~a" (cadr rule) "tag:new"))
+ (cadr rule))))
+;; NOTMUCH interface
+(define (nm-open-database path mode)
+ (let ((ffi-db (make-notmuch_database_t*)))
+ (notmuch_database_open (string->pointer path) mode (pointer-to ffi-db))
+ ffi-db))
+(define (nm-query-db db str)
+ (let ((query (notmuch_query_create db (string->pointer str))))
+ (for-each (lambda (tag)
+ (notmuch_query_add_tag_exclude query (string->pointer tag)))
+ (list "deleted" "spam"))
+ query))
+(define (nm-result-messages query)
+ (let ((messages (make-notmuch_messages_t*)))
+ (notmuch_query_search_messages query (pointer-to messages))
+ messages))
+(define (nm-header message label)
+ (pointer->string (notmuch_message_get_header message (string->pointer label))))
+(define (nm-count-messages query)
+ (let ((counter (make-int32)))
+ (notmuch_query_count_messages query (pointer-to counter))
+ (fh-object-ref counter)))
+(eval-when (expand load eval)
+ (define (stx->str stx) (symbol->string (syntax->datum stx)))
+ (define (singular stx) (string-drop-right (stx->str stx) 1))
+ (define (nm-symbols tmpl-id . args)
+ (datum->syntax
+ tmpl-id
+ (string->symbol
+ (apply string-append
+ (map (lambda (ss) (if (string? ss) ss (stx->str ss))) args))))))
+(define-syntax nm-iter
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ type query proc)
+ (with-syntax ((valid? (nm-symbols #'type "notmuch_" #'type "_valid"))
+ (destroy (nm-symbols #'type "notmuch_" #'type "_destroy"))
+ (get (nm-symbols #'type "notmuch_" #'type "_get"))
+ (next (nm-symbols #'type "notmuch_" #'type "_move_to_next"))
+ (item-destroy (nm-symbols #'type "notmuch_" (singular #'type) "_destroy")))
+ #'(let ((obj query))
+ (let loop ((item (get obj))
+ (acc '()))
+ (if (= 0 (valid? obj))
+ (begin
+ (destroy obj)
+ acc)
+ (let ((result (proc item)))
+ (when (defined? (quote item-destroy))
+ (item-destroy item))
+ (next obj)
+ (loop (get obj) (cons result acc)))))))))))
+(define (nm-apply-tags message tags)
+ (let loop ((rest (string-tokenize tags)))
+ (unless (null-list? rest)
+ (let ((tag (string->pointer (substring (car rest) 1))))
+ (if (string-prefix? "-" (car rest))
+ (notmuch_message_remove_tag message tag)
+ (notmuch_message_add_tag message tag)))
+ (loop (cdr rest)))))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-nm-database (db path mode) body body* ...)
+ (let ((db (nm-open-database path mode)))
+ body body* ...
+ (notmuch_database_destroy db)))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-nm-query (db qobj query) body body* ...)
+ (let ((qobj (nm-query-db db query)))
+ body body* ...
+ (notmuch_query_destroy qobj)))