path: root/config/doom/custom.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/doom/custom.el')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/config/doom/custom.el b/config/doom/custom.el
index 9ea349e..7ba527d 100644
--- a/config/doom/custom.el
+++ b/config/doom/custom.el
@@ -3,12 +3,76 @@
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(auth-source-save-behavior nil)
'((grep-find-ignored-directories ".git" ".venv" "node_modules" ".mypy_cache" ".pytest_cache" "SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".src" ".svn" ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" "_darcs" "{arch}")
(grep-find-ignored-files "*.min.js" "*.standalone.js" "*.map" "*.gz" ".#*" "*.o" "*~" "*.bin" "*.lbin" "*.so" "*.a" "*.ln" "*.blg" "*.bbl" "*.elc" "*.lof" "*.glo" "*.idx" "*.lot" "*.fmt" "*.tfm" "*.class" "*.fas" "*.lib" "*.mem" "*.x86f" "*.sparcf" "*.dfsl" "*.pfsl" "*.d64fsl" "*.p64fsl" "*.lx64fsl" "*.lx32fsl" "*.dx64fsl" "*.dx32fsl" "*.fx64fsl" "*.fx32fsl" "*.sx64fsl" "*.sx32fsl" "*.wx64fsl" "*.wx32fsl" "*.fasl" "*.ufsl" "*.fsl" "*.dxl" "*.lo" "*.la" "*.gmo" "*.mo" "*.toc" "*.aux" "*.cp" "*.fn" "*.ky" "*.pg" "*.tp" "*.vr" "*.cps" "*.fns" "*.kys" "*.pgs" "*.tps" "*.vrs" "*.pyc" "*.pyo")))
- '(package-selected-packages '(youtube-sub-extractor elpher adoc-mode logview))
+ '(package-selected-packages
+ '(graphviz-dot-mode elfeed-tube flycheck-elsa elpher adoc-mode logview))
- '((cider-default-cljs-repl . shadow)
+ '((eval let
+ ((root-dir-unexpanded
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el")))
+ (when root-dir-unexpanded
+ (let*
+ ((root-dir
+ (file-local-name
+ (expand-file-name root-dir-unexpanded)))
+ (root-dir*
+ (directory-file-name root-dir)))
+ (unless
+ (boundp 'geiser-guile-load-path)
+ (defvar geiser-guile-load-path 'nil))
+ (make-local-variable 'geiser-guile-load-path)
+ (require 'cl-lib)
+ (cl-pushnew root-dir* geiser-guile-load-path :test #'string-equal))))
+ (eval with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
+ (let
+ ((guix-yasnippets
+ (expand-file-name "etc/snippets/yas"
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))))
+ (unless
+ (member guix-yasnippets yas-snippet-dirs)
+ (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs guix-yasnippets)
+ (yas-reload-all))))
+ (eval setq-local guix-directory
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))
+ (eval add-to-list 'completion-ignored-extensions ".go")
+ (google-translate-default-source-language . "de")
+ (google-translate-default-target-language . "en")
+ (vc-prepare-patches-separately)
+ (diff-add-log-use-relative-names . t)
+ (vc-git-annotate-switches . "-w")
+ (eval eval-after-load "yapfify"
+ '(defun yapfify-call-bin
+ (input-buffer output-buffer start-line end-line)
+ "Call process yapf on INPUT-BUFFER saving the output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
+Return the exit code. START-LINE and END-LINE specify region to
+ (with-current-buffer input-buffer
+ (call-process-region
+ (point-min)
+ (point-max)
+ (concat
+ (projectile-locate-dominating-file default-directory dir-locals-file)
+ "scripts/run-pipenv")
+ nil output-buffer nil "run" "yapf" "-l"
+ (concat
+ (number-to-string start-line)
+ "-"
+ (number-to-string end-line))))))
+ (eval setq flycheck-python-pylint-executable
+ (concat
+ (projectile-locate-dominating-file default-directory dir-locals-file)
+ "scripts/run-pylint"))
+ (eval setq flycheck-python-mypy-executable
+ (concat
+ (projectile-locate-dominating-file default-directory dir-locals-file)
+ "scripts/run-mypy"))
+ (grep-find-ignored-directories ".git" ".venv" "node_modules" ".mypy_cache" ".pytest_cache" "SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".src" ".svn" ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" "_darcs" "{arch}")
+ (grep-find-ignored-files "*.min.js" "*.standalone.js" "*.map" "*.gz" ".#*" "*.o" "*~" "*.bin" "*.lbin" "*.so" "*.a" "*.ln" "*.blg" "*.bbl" "*.elc" "*.lof" "*.glo" "*.idx" "*.lot" "*.fmt" "*.tfm" "*.class" "*.fas" "*.lib" "*.mem" "*.x86f" "*.sparcf" "*.dfsl" "*.pfsl" "*.d64fsl" "*.p64fsl" "*.lx64fsl" "*.lx32fsl" "*.dx64fsl" "*.dx32fsl" "*.fx64fsl" "*.fx32fsl" "*.sx64fsl" "*.sx32fsl" "*.wx64fsl" "*.wx32fsl" "*.fasl" "*.ufsl" "*.fsl" "*.dxl" "*.lo" "*.la" "*.gmo" "*.mo" "*.toc" "*.aux" "*.cp" "*.fn" "*.ky" "*.pg" "*.tp" "*.vr" "*.cps" "*.fns" "*.kys" "*.pgs" "*.tps" "*.vrs" "*.pyc" "*.pyo")
+ (cider-default-cljs-repl . shadow)
(cider-shadow-cljs-default-options . "app")
(cider-preferred-build-tool . clojure-cli)
(cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-A:dev")