diff options
4 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/afew/config b/.config/afew/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c9853a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/afew/config
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# -*- mode: conf-unix -*-
+# This is the default filter chain
+sent_tag = sent
+message = "Tag meetups info mails"
+query = from:info@meetup.com
+tags = +meetups;-new
+message = "Tag reports from ingrid"
+query = from:postmaster@oscarnajera.com or from:root@oscarnajera.com
+tags = +ingrid;-new
+message = "Tag the syndicate.vc"
+query = from:thesyndicate.vc
+tags = +syndicatevc;-new
+message = "Fail2ban report"
+query = subject:Fail2Ban from:najera.pw
+tags = +fail2ban;-new
+message = "Tag the fringe.fm"
+query = from:fringe.fm
+tags = +fringe.fm;-new
diff --git a/.local/bin/tagmail.sh b/.local/bin/tagmail.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea3616b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tagmail.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [[ -z $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ]]; then
+ source /tmp/.Xdbus
+# delete mail
+notmuch search --output=files tag:deleted | xargs -I {} rm -v "{}"
+# Mail download
+if [ -z "$1" ]
+ echo "syncing all mailboxes"
+ mbsync -a
+ echo "syncing $1 mailbox"
+ mbsync "$1"
+# Notmuch tagging
+notmuch new
+notmuch tag +ci -new -- from:travis-ci.com or from:travis-ci.org or from:appveyor.com or from:circleci.com
+notmuch tag +ci -new -- from:mg.gitlab.com and subject:Pipeline
+notmuch tag +CMK-JIRA -inbox -new -- from:infra@mathias-kettner.de or from:jira@tribe29.com
+notmuch tag +alle-mk -new -- to:alle@mathias-kettner.de to:technik@tribe29.com
+notmuch tag +cmk-commits -new -- to:cmk-internal-commits@mathias-kettner.de and subject:\[cmk\]
+notmuch tag +mkde-commits -new -- to:cmk-internal-commits@mathias-kettner.de and subject:\[mkde\]
+notmuch tag +cmc-commits -new -- to:cmk-internal-commits@mathias-kettner.de and subject:\[cmc\]
+notmuch tag +cma-commits -new -- to:cma-commits@mathias-kettner.de and subject:\[cma\]
+notmuch tag +immonews -new -- from:immobilienscout24.de
+notmuch tag +immonews/communications -new -- from:nachrichten.immobilienscout24.de or subject:Kontaktaufnahme and tag:immonews
+notmuch tag +socialnews -new -- from:facebookmail.com or from:mail.instagram.com
+notmuch tag +linkedin +socialnews -new -- from:linkedin.com
+notmuch tag +promotions -- from:newsletter
+notmuch tag +toastmasters -- toastmaster NOT from:info@meetup.com
+notmuch tag +sms -inbox -- folder:hi_pers/SMS
+notmuch tag +calls -inbox -- folder:hi_pers/Calls
+# afew tagging
+afew --tag --new -v
+notmuch tag -inbox -- tag:lists
diff --git a/.mbsyncrc b/.mbsyncrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3e7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mbsyncrc
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+IMAPAccount gmail
+# Address to connect to
+Host imap.gmail.com
+User najera.oscar@gmail.com
+PassCmd "pass show google/googlemail.com/najera.oscar"
+AuthMechs LOGIN
+# Use SSL
+# The following line should work. If get certificate errors, uncomment the two following lines and read the "Troubleshooting" section.
+CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+#CertificateFile ~/.cert/imap.gmail.com.pem
+#CertificateFile ~/.cert/Equifax_Secure_CA.pem
+IMAPStore gmail-remote
+Account gmail
+MaildirStore gmail-local
+# The trailing "/" is important
+Path ~/.mail/gmail/
+Inbox ~/.mail/gmail/Inbox
+SubFolders Legacy
+Channel gmail
+Master :gmail-remote:
+Slave :gmail-local:
+# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
+Patterns * ![Gmail]* "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
+# Or include everything
+#Patterns *
+# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
+Create Both
+# Save the synchronization state files in the relevant directory
+SyncState *
+Expunge Both
+# Personal
+IMAPAccount hi_pers
+Host git.oscarnajera.com
+User hi@oscarnajera.com
+PassCmd "pass show Correos/mail.oscarnajera.com"
+AuthMechs LOGIN
+IMAPStore hi_pers-remote
+Account hi_pers
+MaildirStore hi_pers-local
+Path ~/.mail/hi_pers/
+Inbox ~/.mail/hi_pers/Inbox
+SubFolders Verbatim
+Channel hi_pers
+Master :hi_pers-remote:
+Slave :hi_pers-local:
+Patterns *
+Create Both
+SyncState *
+Expunge Both
+# AMZbooks
+IMAPAccount kindle
+Host git.oscarnajera.com
+User kindle@oscarnajera.com
+PassCmd "pass show Correos/kindle@oscarnajera.com"
+AuthMechs LOGIN
+IMAPStore kindle-remote
+Account kindle
+MaildirStore kindle-local
+Path ~/.mail/kindle/
+Inbox ~/.mail/kindle/Inbox
+SubFolders Verbatim
+Channel kindle
+Master :kindle-remote:
+Slave :kindle-local:
+Patterns *
+Create Both
+SyncState *
+Expunge Both
+# Startup
+IMAPAccount delightfuldying
+Host git.oscarnajera.com
+User oscar.najera@delightfuldying.com
+PassCmd "pass show WebSites/delightfuldying.com/mailbox/julie"
+AuthMechs LOGIN
+IMAPStore dd-remote
+Account delightfuldying
+MaildirStore dd-local
+Path ~/.mail/dd/
+Inbox ~/.mail/dd/Inbox
+SubFolders Verbatim
+Channel delightfuldying
+Master :dd-remote:
+Slave :dd-local:
+Patterns *
+Create Both
+SyncState *
+Expunge Both
+# Startup
+IMAPAccount fallforward
+Host git.oscarnajera.com
+User sarah@fallforward.space
+PassCmd "pass show WebSites/fallforward.space/mailbox/sarah"
+AuthMechs LOGIN
+IMAPStore ff-remote
+Account fallforward
+MaildirStore ff-local
+Path ~/.mail/ff/
+Inbox ~/.mail/ff/Inbox
+SubFolders Verbatim
+Channel fallforward
+Master :ff-remote:
+Slave :ff-local:
+Patterns *
+Create Both
+SyncState *
+Expunge Both
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: conf-unix
+# End:
diff --git a/.notmuch-config b/.notmuch-config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e74011c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.notmuch-config
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# -*- mode: conf-unix -*-
+# .notmuch-config - Configuration file for the notmuch mail system
+# For more information about notmuch, see https://notmuchmail.org
+# Database configuration
+# The only value supported here is 'path' which should be the top-level
+# directory where your mail currently exists and to where mail will be
+# delivered in the future. Files should be individual email messages.
+# Notmuch will store its database within a sub-directory of the path
+# configured here named ".notmuch".
+# User configuration
+# Here is where you can let notmuch know how you would like to be
+# addressed. Valid settings are
+# name Your full name.
+# primary_email Your primary email address.
+# other_email A list (separated by ';') of other email addresses
+# at which you receive email.
+# Notmuch will use the various email addresses configured here when
+# formatting replies. It will avoid including your own addresses in the
+# recipient list of replies, and will set the From address based on the
+# address to which the original email was addressed.
+name=Oscar Najera
+# Configuration for "notmuch new"
+# The following options are supported here:
+# tags A list (separated by ';') of the tags that will be
+# added to all messages incorporated by "notmuch new".
+# ignore A list (separated by ';') of file and directory names
+# that will not be searched for messages by "notmuch new".
+# NOTE: *Every* file/directory that goes by one of those
+# names will be ignored, independent of its depth/location
+# in the mail store.
+# Search configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# exclude_tags
+# A ;-separated list of tags that will be excluded from
+# search results by default. Using an excluded tag in a
+# query will override that exclusion.
+# Maildir compatibility configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# synchronize_flags Valid values are true and false.
+# If true, then the following maildir flags (in message filenames)
+# will be synchronized with the corresponding notmuch tags:
+# Flag Tag
+# ---- -------
+# D draft
+# F flagged
+# P passed
+# R replied
+# S unread (added when 'S' flag is not present)
+# The "notmuch new" command will notice flag changes in filenames
+# and update tags, while the "notmuch tag" and "notmuch restore"
+# commands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames
+# Cryptography related configuration
+# The following *deprecated* option is currently supported:
+# gpg_path
+# binary name or full path to invoke gpg.
+# NOTE: In a future build, this option will be ignored.
+# Setting $PATH is a better approach.