path: root/config
diff options
authorOscar Najera <hi@oscarnajera.com>2023-05-24 10:17:15 +0200
committerOscar Najera <hi@oscarnajera.com>2023-05-24 10:25:26 +0200
commitea2f9300275eb58234d5cb75675d950be0e8631f (patch)
tree339439e6a25a916ace92d39248099cfa93e02f3d /config
parent1e37224dbece58bfc2bbc2ff5f934759c0d0be2e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
6 files changed, 65 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/config/doom/config.org b/config/doom/config.org
index 083797e..421c099 100644
--- a/config/doom/config.org
+++ b/config/doom/config.org
@@ -220,6 +220,11 @@ this new window.
(after! elfeed
(setq elfeed-feeds
+ "http://feeds.feedburner.com/TroyHunt"
+ "https://serokell.io/blog.rss.xml"
+ "https://www.tweag.io/rss.xml"
+ "http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/feed/index.xml"
+ "http://planet.emacsen.org/atom.xml"
@@ -433,6 +438,19 @@ this new window.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package! khardel)
+* IRC
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(set-irc-server! "irc.libera.chat"
+ `(:tls t
+ :port 6697
+ :nick "titan-c"
+ :sasl-username ,(+pass-get-user "Social/freenode/titan-c")
+ :sasl-password (lambda (&rest _) (+pass-get-secret "Social/freenode/titan-c"))
+ :channels ("#emacs" "#guix")))
* Ledger
Emacs mode for managing ledger text files
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@@ -570,11 +588,12 @@ Emacs mode for managing ledger text files
* Video Editing
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "packages.el"
-;; (package! subed)
+(package! subed
+ :recipe (:host github :repo "sachac/subed" :files ("subed/*.el")))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-;; (use-package! subed)
+(use-package! subed)
* Admin
@@ -594,10 +613,13 @@ Emacs mode for managing ledger text files
:load-path "~/dev/emacs-lisp/btc-explorer/"
:commands (on/bitcoin-rpc-connect)
+ (require 'lnd)
(defun on/bitcoin-rpc-connect ()
(let* ((networks '(:mainnet 8332
+ :mainnet-r 8335
:testnet 18332
+ :testnet-r 18335
:regtest 18443))
(host "localhost")
(user "crazy")
diff --git a/config/doom/custom.el b/config/doom/custom.el
index b870478..7ba527d 100644
--- a/config/doom/custom.el
+++ b/config/doom/custom.el
@@ -3,12 +3,47 @@
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(auth-source-save-behavior nil)
'((grep-find-ignored-directories ".git" ".venv" "node_modules" ".mypy_cache" ".pytest_cache" "SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".src" ".svn" ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" "_darcs" "{arch}")
(grep-find-ignored-files "*.min.js" "*.standalone.js" "*.map" "*.gz" ".#*" "*.o" "*~" "*.bin" "*.lbin" "*.so" "*.a" "*.ln" "*.blg" "*.bbl" "*.elc" "*.lof" "*.glo" "*.idx" "*.lot" "*.fmt" "*.tfm" "*.class" "*.fas" "*.lib" "*.mem" "*.x86f" "*.sparcf" "*.dfsl" "*.pfsl" "*.d64fsl" "*.p64fsl" "*.lx64fsl" "*.lx32fsl" "*.dx64fsl" "*.dx32fsl" "*.fx64fsl" "*.fx32fsl" "*.sx64fsl" "*.sx32fsl" "*.wx64fsl" "*.wx32fsl" "*.fasl" "*.ufsl" "*.fsl" "*.dxl" "*.lo" "*.la" "*.gmo" "*.mo" "*.toc" "*.aux" "*.cp" "*.fn" "*.ky" "*.pg" "*.tp" "*.vr" "*.cps" "*.fns" "*.kys" "*.pgs" "*.tps" "*.vrs" "*.pyc" "*.pyo")))
- '(package-selected-packages '(elpher adoc-mode logview))
+ '(package-selected-packages
+ '(graphviz-dot-mode elfeed-tube flycheck-elsa elpher adoc-mode logview))
- '((eval eval-after-load "yapfify"
+ '((eval let
+ ((root-dir-unexpanded
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el")))
+ (when root-dir-unexpanded
+ (let*
+ ((root-dir
+ (file-local-name
+ (expand-file-name root-dir-unexpanded)))
+ (root-dir*
+ (directory-file-name root-dir)))
+ (unless
+ (boundp 'geiser-guile-load-path)
+ (defvar geiser-guile-load-path 'nil))
+ (make-local-variable 'geiser-guile-load-path)
+ (require 'cl-lib)
+ (cl-pushnew root-dir* geiser-guile-load-path :test #'string-equal))))
+ (eval with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
+ (let
+ ((guix-yasnippets
+ (expand-file-name "etc/snippets/yas"
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))))
+ (unless
+ (member guix-yasnippets yas-snippet-dirs)
+ (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs guix-yasnippets)
+ (yas-reload-all))))
+ (eval setq-local guix-directory
+ (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))
+ (eval add-to-list 'completion-ignored-extensions ".go")
+ (google-translate-default-source-language . "de")
+ (google-translate-default-target-language . "en")
+ (vc-prepare-patches-separately)
+ (diff-add-log-use-relative-names . t)
+ (vc-git-annotate-switches . "-w")
+ (eval eval-after-load "yapfify"
'(defun yapfify-call-bin
(input-buffer output-buffer start-line end-line)
"Call process yapf on INPUT-BUFFER saving the output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
diff --git a/config/doom/init.el b/config/doom/init.el
index eaa9d09..e34b206 100644
--- a/config/doom/init.el
+++ b/config/doom/init.el
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
;;nim ; python + lisp at the speed of c
nix ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
;;ocaml ; an objective camel
- (org +roam2 +hugo +present) ; organize your plain life in plain text
+ (org +roam2 +hugo +present +gnuplot) ; organize your plain life in plain text
;;php ; perl's insecure younger brother
;;plantuml ; diagrams for confusing people more
;;purescript ; javascript, but functional
diff --git a/config/mpd/mpd.conf b/config/mpd/mpd.conf
index 30119e2..5d88caa 100644
--- a/config/mpd/mpd.conf
+++ b/config/mpd/mpd.conf
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory "/run/media/titan/ext_backup/personal/cleaned_music/"
+# music_directory "/mnt/disk/personal/cleaned_music/"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ playlist_directory "~/.config/mpd/playlists"
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file "/run/media/titan/ext_backup/personal/mpd_database"
+# db_file "/mnt/disk/personal/mpd_database"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
diff --git a/config/pikaur.conf b/config/pikaur.conf
index bf0b064..1953fba 100644
--- a/config/pikaur.conf
+++ b/config/pikaur.conf
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ keepbuilddir = no
keepdevbuilddir = yes
keepbuilddeps = no
skipfailedbuild = no
-alwaysusedynamicusers = no
ignorearch = no
gpgdir =
+dynamicusers = root
noedit = no
diff --git a/config/shepherd/init.d/cardano.scm b/config/shepherd/init.d/cardano.scm
index dbe40d7..bc89c84 100644
--- a/config/shepherd/init.d/cardano.scm
+++ b/config/shepherd/init.d/cardano.scm
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
(list ;;(string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.cabal/bin/cardano-wallet")
- "+RTS" "-T" "-RTS"
"--node-socket" "/run/cardano-node-mainnet/socket"
"--database" (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/test-cardano/main/wallet")