;;; db-schedules.el --- Query DB community api for schedules -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2024 Óscar Nájera ;; ;; Author: Óscar Nájera ;; Maintainer: Óscar Nájera ;; Created: June 26, 2024 ;; Modified: June 26, 2024 ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Keywords: convenience data ;; Homepage: https://git.oscarnajera.com/ ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1")) ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Query DB community api for schedules ;; ;;; Code: ;;; (require 'dash) (require 'request) (cl-defun db-schedules--parse-locations (data) "Parse response DATA to simple name id pair." (seq-keep (lambda (res) (-let (((&hash "id" "name" "type") res)) (when (string= type "stop") (cons name id)))) data)) (cl-defun db-schedules--locations-show (&key data &allow-other-keys) "Show tabulated list buffer with location DATA results." (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Result locations*") (tabulated-list-mode) (setq tabulated-list-entries (mapcar (-lambda ((name . id)) (list id (vector id name))) data)) (setq tabulated-list-format [("ID" 8 t) ("Name" 40 t)]) (tabulated-list-init-header) (tabulated-list-print t) (display-buffer (current-buffer)) )) (defun db-schedules--locations (query-string success-callback) "Look for a stop matching QUERY-STRING then process with SUCCESS-CALLBACK." (request "https://v6.db.transport.rest/locations" :params `((query . ,query-string) (stops . true) (poi . false)) :parser (lambda () (db-schedules--parse-locations (json-parse-buffer))) :success success-callback)) (defun db-schedules--time (iso-string) "From ISO-STRING time go only todays time." (thread-last (parse-time-string iso-string) (encode-time) (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S"))) (defun db-schedules-buffer (stop-id) "Return buffer with name for STOP-ID." (get-buffer-create (format "*Departures: %s*" stop-id))) (defun db-schedules--prepare-row (row) "Return tabulated entry vector for ROW." (-let* (((&hash "stop" "when" "plannedWhen" "delay" "direction" "line") row) ((&hash "name") stop) ((&hash "name" line-name) line) extra) (when (integerp delay) (thread-first (format "Planned: %s" (db-schedules--time plannedWhen)) (propertize 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) (push extra)) (thread-first (format "Delayed: %s" (seconds-to-string delay)) (propertize 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) (push extra))) (vector name (thread-first (if (eq when :null) plannedWhen when) (db-schedules--time) (propertize 'face (if (integerp delay) 'font-lock-keyword-face 'font-lock-doc-face))) (thread-first (propertize line-name 'face 'font-lock-string-face) (list direction) (string-join " ")) (string-join extra " ")))) (cl-defun db-schedules--show-departures (&key data &allow-other-keys) "Show tabulated list buffer with departures DATA results." (let ((rows (thread-last (gethash "departures" data) (seq-map #'db-schedules--prepare-row)))) (with-current-buffer (db-schedules-buffer (elt (car rows) 0)) (tabulated-list-mode) (setq tabulated-list-entries (seq-map-indexed (lambda (row idx) (list idx row)) rows)) (setq tabulated-list-format [("Stop" 25 nil) ("time" 10 nil ) ("direction" 38 nil) ("extra" 25 nil)]) (tabulated-list-init-header) (tabulated-list-print t) (display-buffer (current-buffer)) ))) (defun db-schedules--departures (stop-id time-window) "Query and show departures for STOP-ID within the TIME-WINDOW." (request (format "https://v6.db.transport.rest/stops/%s/departures" stop-id) :params `((duration . ,time-window)) :parser 'json-parse-buffer :success #'db-schedules--show-departures)) (defun db-schedules-search-location (query) "QUERY for locations and show result list." (interactive "sFuzzy search for a stop: ") (db-schedules--locations query #'db-schedules--locations-show)) (cl-defun db-schedules--pick-location-query-departures (&key data &allow-other-keys) "Pick from location DATA, then query for departures at stop location." (let* ((stop-name (completing-read "Which stop fits best? " (mapcar #'car data))) (stop-id (cdr (assoc stop-name data #'string=))) (time-window (completing-read "time in futre: " (mapcar #'number-to-string '(5 10 20 40))))) (db-schedules--departures stop-id time-window))) (defun db-schedules-location-departures (query) "QUERY for locations and show it departures list." (interactive "sFuzzy search for a stop: ") (db-schedules--locations query #'db-schedules--pick-location-query-departures)) (provide 'db-schedules) ;;; db-schedules.el ends here