;; 9:39 start ;; 10:17 part 1 ;; (ql:quickload '(fiveam)) (defun roll (direction row col) (ecase direction (north (list (1- row) col)) (south (list (1+ row) col)) (west (list row (1- col))) (east (list row (1+ col))))) (defun in-bounds (field row col) (destructuring-bind (maxrow maxcol) (array-dimensions field) (and (< -1 row maxrow) (< -1 col maxcol)))) (defun roll-rocks (field direction) (loop for row below (array-dimension field 0) sum (loop for col below (array-dimension field 1) for (new-row new-col) = (roll direction row col) when (and (in-bounds field new-row new-col) (eq #\O (aref field row col)) (eq #\. (aref field new-row new-col))) do (setf (aref field new-row new-col) #\O (aref field row col) #\.) and count t))) (defun roll-rocks-full (field direction) (loop for result = (roll-rocks field direction) until (zerop result))) (defun array-slice (arr row) (make-array (array-dimension arr 1) :displaced-to arr :displaced-index-offset (* row (array-dimension arr 1)))) (defun north-load (field) (loop with rows = (array-dimension field 0) for row below rows sum (* (- rows row) (count #\O (array-slice field row))))) (defun solve1 (input) (let* ((rows (length input)) (field (make-array (list rows (length (car input))) :initial-contents input))) (roll-rocks-full field 'north) (north-load field))) (defun draw-field (field) (destructuring-bind (maxrow maxcol) (array-dimensions field) (with-output-to-string (out) (loop for i below maxrow do (loop for j below maxcol do (write-char (aref field i j) out)) (terpri out))))) (defun solve2 (input iters) (let* ((rows (length input)) (field (make-array (list rows (length (car input))) :initial-contents input))) (loop do (dolist (dir '(north west south east)) (roll-rocks-full field dir)) repeat iters collect (north-load field)))) ;; (solve2 (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in") 1000000000) ;; (solve2 (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in") 100) ;; (solve2 (uiop:read-file-lines "input") 100) (fiveam:test solutions (fiveam:is (= 136 (solve1 (uiop:read-file-lines "eg-in")))) (fiveam:is (= 108935 (solve1 (uiop:read-file-lines "input"))))) (fiveam:run!)