;;05:32 (ql:quickload '(fiveam)) (defparameter directions '((up -1 0) (dw 1 0) (lf 0 -1) (rt 0 1))) (defparameter pipes '((#\| up dw) (#\- lf rt) (#\L up rt) (#\J up lf) (#\7 dw lf) (#\F dw rt) (#\.) (#\S up dw lf rt))) (defparameter eg-input "7-F7- .FJ|7 SJLL7 |F--J LJ.LJ") (defun get-neighbors (point) (mapcar (lambda (dir) (cdr (assoc dir directions))) (cdr (assoc point pipes)))) (fiveam:test parts (fiveam:is (equal '((0 -1) (0 1)) (get-neighbors #\-)))) (defun find-start (map) (loop for row across map for y from 0 do (loop for col across row for x from 0 when (eq #\S col) do (return-from find-start (list y x))))) (defun move-next (map point) (flet ((bounds (y x) (let ((ymax (length map)) (xmax (length (aref map 0)))) (when (and (< -1 y ymax) (< -1 x xmax)) (list y x))))) (destructuring-bind (y x) point (loop for (dy dx) in (get-neighbors (aref (aref map y) x)) when (bounds (+ y dy) (+ x dx)) collect it)))) (defun start-neighbors (map start) (remove-if-not (lambda (n) (member start (move-next map n) :test #'equal)) (move-next map start))) (defun advance-next (map point last) (let ((next (move-next map point))) (if (equal last (car next)) (cadr next) (car next)))) (defun get-loop (map) (let* ((start (find-start map)) (options (start-neighbors map start)) (last start) (cur (car options)) (loop-tiles (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (setf (gethash cur loop-tiles) t) (loop for next = (advance-next map cur last) do (setf last cur cur next (gethash next loop-tiles) t) until (equal next start)) loop-tiles)) ;; (get-loop ;; (uiop:split-string eg-input :separator '(#\Newline))) (defun solver1 (rows) (let ((map (make-array (length rows) :initial-contents rows))) (floor (hash-table-count (get-loop map)) 2))) ;; To know if a point is inside a loop, I need to count how often a ray crosses ;; until it reaches the boundary. I can just count to the right. ;; In this case only the vertical edges count, and element that change direction. ;; Meaning LJ is a u, same as F7 an n, that means the ray passes tangent across ;; those 2 cells taking the point a bit lower, would mean only counting pipes ;; with down component thus F,|,7. The rest L,-,J are irrelevant. (defun rassoc-get (item list) (car (rassoc item list :test #'equal))) (defun correct-start (map) (let ((start (find-start map))) (setf (aref (aref map (car start)) (cadr start)) (rassoc-get (loop for (y x) in (start-neighbors map start) collect (rassoc-get (list (- y (first start)) (- x (second start))) directions)) pipes)))) (defun solver2 (rows) (let* ((map (make-array (length rows) :initial-contents rows)) (loop-tiles (get-loop map)) insidep) (correct-start map) (loop for row across map for y from 0 do (setf insidep nil) sum (loop for col across row for x from 0 for point = (list y x) when (and (gethash point loop-tiles) (member col '(#\F #\| #\7))) do (setf insidep (not insidep)) count (and (not (gethash point loop-tiles)) insidep))))) (fiveam:test solution (fiveam:is (= 8 (solver1 (uiop:split-string eg-input :separator '(#\Newline))))) (fiveam:is (= 6812 (solver1 (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))) (fiveam:is (= 1 (solver2 (uiop:split-string eg-input :separator '(#\Newline))))) (fiveam:is (= 527 (solver2 (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))))