(ql:quickload '(fiveam uiop arrows trivia)) (defun parse-instructions (str &optional (start 0)) (multiple-value-bind (action str-pos) (case (aref str start) (#\R 'right) (#\L 'left) (t (parse-integer str :start start :junk-allowed t))) (let ((next (or str-pos (1+ start)))) (if (= next (length str)) (list action) (cons action (parse-instructions str next)))))) (defun create-field (filename) (let* ((data (uiop:read-file-lines filename)) (map (butlast data 2)) (instructions (car (last data))) (rows (length map)) (columns (reduce (lambda (a r) (max a (length r))) map :initial-value 0)) (field (make-array (list rows columns) :initial-element nil))) (loop for row in map for i from 0 do (loop for entry across row for j from 0 do (setf (aref field i j) (ecase entry (#\. 'free) (#\# 'wall) (#\Space nil))))) (values field (parse-instructions instructions)))) (defstruct state x-pos y-pos direction) (defun wrap-step (state field) (destructuring-bind (height width) (array-dimensions field) (with-slots (direction x-pos y-pos) state (destructuring-bind (new-x new-y) (ecase direction (^ (list x-pos (mod (1- y-pos) height))) (v (list x-pos (mod (1+ y-pos) height))) (> (list (mod (1+ x-pos) width) y-pos)) (< (list (mod (1- x-pos) width) y-pos))) (let ((new-state (make-state :x-pos new-x :y-pos new-y :direction direction))) (if (aref field new-y new-x) new-state (wrap-step new-state field))))))) (defun new-direction (current-direction turn &optional (directions #(^ > v <))) (svref directions (mod (+ (ecase turn (left -1) (right 1)) (position current-direction directions)) 4))) (defun walk (field state steps advance-fn) (if (zerop steps) state (let ((new-state (funcall advance-fn state field))) (with-slots (x-pos y-pos) new-state (ecase (aref field y-pos x-pos) (free (walk field new-state (1- steps) advance-fn)) (wall state)))))) (defun traverse (field instructions origin advance-fn) (let ((state (copy-structure origin))) (dolist (move instructions state) (if (numberp move) (setf state (walk field state move advance-fn)) (setf (state-direction state) (new-direction (state-direction state) move)))))) (defun decode-state (state) (with-slots (x-pos y-pos direction) state (+ (* 1000 (1+ y-pos)) (* 4 (1+ x-pos)) (ecase direction (> 0) (v 1) (< 2) (^ 3))))) (defun get-start (field) (loop for i from 0 until (aref field 0 i) finally (return i))) (defun solver (filename advance-fn) (multiple-value-bind (field instructions) (create-field filename) (decode-state (traverse field instructions (make-state :x-pos (get-start field) :y-pos 0 :direction '>) advance-fn)))) ;;; part 2 ;;; Cube face layout ;;; 1 ;;; 234 ;;; 56 ;;; face coords ;;; 1=2 0 ;;; 2=0 1 ;;; 3=1 1 ;;; 4=2 1 ;;; 5=2 2 ;;; 6=3 2 (defparameter +face-label+ '((1 . (2 0)) (2 . (0 1)) (3 . (1 1)) (4 . (2 1)) (5 . (2 2)) (6 . (3 2)))) (defun coord->face (x-face y-face) (car (rassoc (list x-face y-face) +face-label+ :test #'equal))) (defun face->coord (face) (cdr (assoc face +face-label+ :test #'eq))) (defun reduced-coords (state face-length) (with-slots (x-pos y-pos) state (multiple-value-bind (x-face x-coord) (floor x-pos face-length) (multiple-value-bind (y-face y-coord) (floor y-pos face-length) (list (coord->face x-face y-face) x-coord y-coord))))) (defun place-state (face x y direction face-length) (destructuring-bind (x-face y-face) (face->coord face) (make-state :x-pos (+ x (* x-face face-length)) :y-pos (+ y (* y-face face-length)) :direction direction))) ;; The one direction from each face ;; The transitions are symetric on the position operation ;; ↱→↴ ;; ↑↱1→↴ ;;⬐234↴| ;;||↳56↲ ;;|↳→⬏↑ ;;↳→→→⬏ (defun face-jump (face direction fl) "fl is face-length" (flet ((rot-ccw (x y) (list y (- fl 1 x))) (rot-cw (x y) (list (- fl 1 y) x)) (cross-x (x y) (list (- fl 1 x) y)) (cross-y (x y) (list x (- fl 1 y))) (compose (&rest funcs) (reduce (lambda (f g) (lambda (&rest args) (apply f (apply g args)))) funcs))) (ecase face (1 (case direction (> (list 6 '< (compose #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'cross-x))) (v (list 4 'v #'cross-y)) (< (list 3 'v (compose #'rot-ccw #'cross-x))) (^ (list 2 'v (compose #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'cross-y))))) (2 (case direction (> (list 3 '> #'cross-x)) (v (list 5 '^ (compose #'rot-ccw #'rot-ccw #'cross-y))) (< (list 6 '^ (compose #'rot-ccw #'rot-ccw #'rot-ccw #'cross-x))) (^ (list 1 'v (compose #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'cross-y))))) (3 (case direction (> (list 4 '> #'cross-x)) (v (list 5 '> (compose #'rot-ccw #'cross-y))) (< (list 2 '< #'cross-x)) (^ (list 1 '> (compose #'rot-cw #'cross-y))))) (4 (case direction (> (list 6 'v (compose #'rot-cw #'cross-x))) (v (list 5 'v #'cross-y)) (< (list 3 '< #'cross-x)) (^ (list 1 '^ #'cross-y)))) (5 (case direction (> (list 6 '> #'cross-x)) (v (list 2 '^ (compose #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'cross-y))) (< (list 3 '^ (compose #'rot-cw #'cross-x))) (^ (list 4 '^ #'cross-y)))) (6 (case direction (> (list 1 '< (compose #'rot-ccw #'rot-ccw #'cross-x))) (v (list 2 '> (compose #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'rot-cw #'cross-y))) (< (list 5 '< #'cross-x)) (^ (list 4 '< (compose #'rot-ccw #'cross-y)))))))) (defun cube-step (state face-length) (destructuring-bind (face x-coord y-coord) (reduced-coords state face-length) (with-slots (direction) state (let ((new-x (+ x-coord (case direction (< -1) (> 1) (t 0)))) (new-y (+ y-coord (case direction (^ -1) (v 1) (t 0))))) (if (and (< -1 new-x face-length) (< -1 new-y face-length)) (place-state face new-x new-y direction face-length) (destructuring-bind (new-face new-direction pos-fn) (face-jump face direction face-length) (destructuring-bind (new-x new-y) (funcall pos-fn x-coord y-coord) (place-state new-face new-x new-y new-direction face-length)))))))) (defun copy-clear-field (field) (destructuring-bind (height width) (array-dimensions field) (let ((new-field (make-array (list height width) :initial-element nil))) (loop for y below height do (loop for x below width when (aref field y x) do (setf (aref new-field y x) 'free))) new-field))) (fiveam:test preparation (fiveam:is (eq 'v (new-direction '> 'right))) (fiveam:is (eq '< (new-direction '^ 'left))) (fiveam:is (equal (parse-instructions "10R5L5R10L4R5L5" ) '(10 RIGHT 5 LEFT 5 RIGHT 10 LEFT 4 RIGHT 5 LEFT 5))) (fiveam:is (= 1 (coord->face 2 0))) (fiveam:is (= 6 (apply #'coord->face (face->coord 6))))) ;; (let* ((field (create-field "eg-in")) ;; (face-length (floor (array-dimension field 0) 3))) ;; (fiveam:is ;; (equalp (place-state 2 3 0 'v 4) ;; (cube-advance (place-state 1 0 0 '^ face-length) face-length)))) (fiveam:test around-cube (let ((field (copy-clear-field (create-field "eg-in"))) (face-length 4)) (labels ((advance-fn (state field) (declare (ignore field)) (cube-step state face-length)) (check (origin moves) (equalp origin (traverse field moves origin #'advance-fn)))) ;; around corners (dotimes (i 6) (let ((origin (place-state (1+ i) 0 0 '^ face-length))) (fiveam:is (equalp origin (traverse field '(1 left 1 left 1 left) origin #'advance-fn))))) ;; walk all dirs straight (dolist (dir '(> v < ^)) (fiveam:is (check (place-state 1 2 1 dir face-length) '(16))))))) (fiveam:test solutions (fiveam:is (= 6032 (solver "eg-in" #'wrap-step))) (fiveam:is (= 159034 (solver "input" #'wrap-step))) ;part 2 (fiveam:is (= 5031 (solver "eg-in" (lambda (state field) (declare (ignore field)) (cube-step state 4)))))) ;; (solver "input" (lambda (state field) (cube-step state 50))) ;; (multiple-value-bind (field instructions) (create-field "input") ;; (destructuring-bind (height width) (array-dimensions field) ;; (let ((face-length (gcd height width))) ;; (loop for x below (floor width face-length) ;; nconc ;; (loop for y below (floor height face-length) ;; when (aref field (* y face-length) (* x face-length)) ;; collect (list x y))) ;; ))) ;; (multiple-value-bind (field instructions) (create-field "input") ;; (let ((state (place-state 1 0 0 '> 4)) ;; (advance-fn (lambda (state) (cube-step state 4)))) ;; (dolist (move instructions) ;; (if (numberp move) ;; (setf state (walk field state move advance-fn)) ;; (setf (state-direction state) (new-direction (state-direction state) move)))) ;; (decode-state state)))