(ql:quickload '(:fiveam :uiop :arrows)) (defconstant +chamber-width+ 7) (defun point (x y) (+ x (* y +chamber-width+))) (defun coords (point) (floor point +chamber-width+)) (defparameter *rocks* (vector (list (point 0 0) (point 1 0) (point 2 0) (point 3 0)) (list (point 1 0) (point 0 1) (point 1 1) (point 2 1) (point 1 2)) (list (point 0 0) (point 1 0) (point 2 0) (point 2 1) (point 2 2)) (list (point 0 0) (point 0 1) (point 0 2) (point 0 3)) (list (point 0 0) (point 1 0) (point 0 1) (point 1 1)))) (defun no-collision-move (object direction obstacles) (mapcar (lambda (current) (let ((next (funcall (ecase direction (#\> #'1+) (#\< #'1-) (#\v #'(lambda (p) (- p +chamber-width+)))) current))) (if (and (>= next 0) ;; no rolling boundaries (multiple-value-bind (y x) (coords current) (multiple-value-bind (y2 x2) (coords next) (= 1 (+ (abs (- x x2)) (abs (- y y2)))))) (not (member next obstacles :test #'eq))) next (return-from no-collision-move object)))) object)) (fiveam:test moves (fiveam:is (equal '(6) (no-collision-move '(6) #\v nil))) (fiveam:is (equal '(6) (no-collision-move '(6) #\> nil))) (fiveam:is (equal '(6) (no-collision-move '(6) #\< '(5))))) (defun gen-object (seq) (let ((len (length seq)) (index 0)) (lambda () (prog1 (aref seq index) (setf index (mod (1+ index) len)))))) (defun place-rock (rock highpoint) (let ((left-pad 2) (altitude (* +chamber-width+ highpoint))) (mapcar (lambda (point) (+ point left-pad altitude)) rock))) (defun next-move (rock next-move obstacles) (let* ((shift (no-collision-move rock next-move obstacles)) (drop (no-collision-move shift #\v obstacles))) (values drop (equal shift drop)))) (defun highpoint (obstacles) (1+ (coords (reduce #'max obstacles)))) (defun simulate (chamber rock next-shift) (multiple-value-bind (new-place done-falling-p) (next-move rock (funcall next-shift) chamber) (if done-falling-p (values (append new-place chamber) (highpoint new-place)) (simulate chamber new-place next-shift)))) (defun solver (drops-left highpoint raise-history obstacles next-rock next-shift) (if (zerop drops-left) raise-history (multiple-value-bind (new-obstacles posible-high) (simulate obstacles (place-rock (funcall next-rock) (+ highpoint 3)) next-shift) (let ((new-high (max highpoint posible-high))) (solver (1- drops-left) new-high (cons new-high raise-history) ;; new-obstacles (if (zerop (mod drops-left 100)) ;; arbitrarily chop list (subseq new-obstacles 0 (min 128 (length new-obstacles))) new-obstacles) next-rock next-shift))))) (defun occurrences (lst) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) (loop for e in lst do (incf (gethash e table 0))) table)) (defun to-alist (table) (loop for k being the hash-key of table using (hash-value v) collect (cons k v))) (defun find-period (history max-window) (let ((len (1- (length history)))) (loop for size from 1 to max-window for raises = (loop for start from 0 to len by size for end from size by size collect (- (aref history (min end len)) (aref history start))) for periods = (occurrences raises) for test = (and (<= (hash-table-count periods) 3) (car (find-if (lambda (f) (< 1 (cdr f))) (to-alist periods)))) until test finally (return (values size test))))) (defun height-reached (max-drops history max-window) (multiple-value-bind (period block-height) (find-period history max-window) (multiple-value-bind (cycles left) (floor max-drops period) (let ((offset (aref history period)) (remaining (- (aref history (+ left period)) (aref history period)))) (+ offset (* (1- cycles) block-height) remaining))))) (fiveam:test solutions ;; part 1 (fiveam:is (= 3068 (car (solver 2022 0 '(0) nil (gen-object *rocks*) (gen-object (uiop:read-file-line "eg-in")))))) (fiveam:is (= 3141 (car (solver 2022 0 '(0) nil (gen-object *rocks*) (gen-object (uiop:read-file-line "input")))))) ;; part 2 (let* ((drops 1000000000000) (quick-run 10000) (max-period-window 3620) (history-eg (nreverse (solver quick-run 0 '(0) nil (gen-object *rocks*) (gen-object (uiop:read-file-line "eg-in"))))) (history-my (nreverse (solver quick-run 0 '(0) nil (gen-object *rocks*) (gen-object (uiop:read-file-line "input")))))) (fiveam:is (= 1514285714288 (height-reached drops (make-array (length history-eg) :initial-contents history-eg) max-period-window))) (fiveam:is (= 1561739130391 (height-reached drops (make-array (length history-my) :initial-contents history-my) max-period-window)))))