#!/usr/bin/env sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib exec guile -e main -s "$0" "$@" !# ;; TODO ;; - Check for bogofilter installation ;; - Check for compilation a notmuch dev package or package all or learn just to compile without the guild call ;; - Spam moving check on other folders like work ;; - individual tag-rules testing take the ones with [] subject (add-to-load-path (string-append (passwd:dir (getpwuid (geteuid))) "/dev/dotfiles/lib/guile/" )) (use-modules (ffi notmuch) (ice-9 and-let-star) (ice-9 ftw) (ice-9 format) (ice-9 getopt-long) (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 ports) (ice-9 rdelim) (ice-9 regex) (ice-9 receive) (mail-tools) (utils) (srfi srfi-1) (system ffi-help-rt) (system foreign)) (define (on-all-messages-filenames query proc) (nm-iter messages (nm-result-messages query) (lambda (message*) (simple-format #t " ~a~%" (nm-header message* "subject")) (map proc (nm-iter filenames (notmuch_message_get_filenames message*) pointer->string))))) (define (delete-email-files! options) (define (logged-delete file-path) (simple-format #t " [rm] ~a~%" file-path) (unless (option-ref options 'dry-run #f) (delete-file file-path))) (with-nm-database (ffi-db (assq-ref options 'mail-repo) 0) (with-nm-query (ffi-db to-delete "tag:deleted") (display (string-append "[DELETE] " (number->string (nm-count-messages to-delete)) " files marked\n")) (on-all-messages-filenames to-delete logged-delete)))) (define (move-mail! options account query start-dir end-dir) (define (move-file uidvalidity target-folder) (let ((dry-run? (option-ref options 'dry-run #f))) (lambda (file) (let* ((target-file (new-path (rename-higher file uidvalidity) target-folder)) (sub-len (string-prefix-length file target-file))) (simple-format #t " [mv] ~a -> ~a~%" (substring file sub-len) (substring target-file sub-len)) (unless dry-run? (rename-file file target-file)))))) (let* ((mail-repo (assq-ref options 'mail-repo)) (target-folder (format #f "~a~a/~a" mail-repo account end-dir)) (uidvalidity (get-folder-uidvalidity target-folder))) (with-nm-database (ffi-db mail-repo 0) (with-nm-query (ffi-db to-move (format #f "~a and folder:~a/~a" query account start-dir)) (display (string-append "[MOVE] " (number->string (nm-count-messages to-move)) " messages marked in " account "\n")) (on-all-messages-filenames to-move (move-file uidvalidity target-folder)))))) (define (apply-tags-to-message options tags) (let ((dry-run? (option-ref options 'dry-run #f))) (lambda (message) (simple-format #t " ~a~%" (nm-header message "subject")) (unless dry-run? (nm-apply-tags message tags)) #t))) (define (log-msg-tag count rule new) (let* ((query-str (query-with-new rule new)) (tags (tags-with-new rule new)) (info (if (null? (cddr rule)) query-str (caddr rule)))) (when (< 0 count) (simple-format #t " ~a messages: ~a~a~%" count (if (string=? info query-str) "" (string-append info " | ")) tags)))) (define (notmuch-tag options ffi-db new) (lambda (rule) (let ((query-str (query-with-new rule new)) (tags (tags-with-new rule new))) (with-nm-query (ffi-db query query-str) (log-msg-tag (nm-count-messages query) rule new) (nm-iter messages (nm-result-messages query) (apply-tags-to-message options tags)))))) (define (list-tag options ffi-db new) (display "[LISTS filters]\n") (let ((query-str (query-with-new '("+lists" "not tag:lists") new)) (tags-str (tags-with-new '("+lists" "not tag:lists") new)) (reg (make-regexp "<([a-z0-9=_-]+)\\." regexp/icase))) (with-nm-query (ffi-db query query-str) (->> (lambda (msg*) (and-let* ((list-id (regexp-exec reg (nm-header msg* "list-id"))) (tags (format #f "~a +lists/~a" tags-str (string-downcase (match:substring list-id 1))))) ((apply-tags-to-message options tags) msg*))) (nm-iter messages (nm-result-messages query)) (filter identity) length (simple-format #t " ~a messages belonging to lists~%"))))) (define (spam-channel push result) (setvbuf push 'line) (lambda (path) (display path push) (unless (string-suffix? "\n" path) (newline push)) (string=? "S" (cadr (string-split (read-line result) #\space))))) (define (call-with-pipe cmd proc) (let* ((p2c (pipe)) (port (with-input-from-port (car p2c) (lambda () (open-input-pipe cmd))))) (receive vals (proc (cdr p2c) port) (close-port (cdr p2c)) (close-pipe port) (apply values vals)))) (define (tag-spam options ffi-db query-str) (call-with-pipe "bogofilter -bTv" (lambda (push result) (display "[SPAM Flag]\n") (let ((spam? (spam-channel push result))) (with-nm-query (ffi-db query query-str) (->> (lambda (message) (when (spam? (pointer->string (notmuch_message_get_filename message))) ((apply-tags-to-message options "+spam -inbox") message))) (nm-iter messages (nm-result-messages query)) (filter boolean?) length (format #t " ~a messages added to spam~%"))))))) (define tag-rules (let* ((my-emails (list "hi@oscarnajera.com" "hello@oscarnajera.com" "najera.oscar@gmail.com")) (sent (format #f "(~{from:~a~^ OR ~}) AND NOT (~:*~{to:~a~^ OR ~})" my-emails))) `(("+sent" ,sent "Emails I have sent") ("+ci" "from:travis-ci.com or from:travis-ci.org or from:appveyor.com or from:circleci.com or from:mg.gitlab.com and subject:Pipeline") ("+slack" "from:slack.com") ("+immonews/communications" "from:nachrichten.immobilienscout24.de or subject:Kontaktaufnahme and tag:immonews") ("+ingrid" "from:postmaster@oscarnajera.com or from:root@oscarnajera.com" "Reports from ingrid") ("+Checkm-Alerts" "subject:Check_MK AND from:ingrid") ("+fail2ban" "subject:Fail2Ban from:oscarnajera.com" "Fail2ban report") ("+arsmagna +inbox" "to:arsmagna.xyz") ;; Toastmasters ("+NBG-toastmasters" "folder:/nbgtm/") ("+sent" "folder:\"/Google Mail]/Sent Mail/\"") ("+Isar-Speak" "to:isarspeak@gmail.com") ("+toastmasters" "toastmaster NOT from:info@meetup.com NOT from:linkedin.com" ) ("+iohk" "from:iohk.io" "IOHK Plutus") ("+sms" "folder:hi_pers/SMS") ("+calls" "folder:hi_pers/Calls") ;; clearing up from newsletters ("+Indie-Hackers" "from:channing@indiehackers.com") ("+socialnews" "from:facebookmail.com or from:mail.instagram.com") ("+promotions" "from:newsletter") ("+linkedin +socialnews" "from:linkedin.com" "Linkedin") ("+meetups" "from:info@meetup.com or from:info@email.meetup.com" "Meetups info mails") ("+immonews" "from:immobilienscout24.de") ("+newsletter" "from:venturebeat.com") ("+zeihan" "from:zeihan.com") ("+freecodecamp" "from:freecodecamp.org") ;; byteplant ("+support" "to:support@byteplant.com") ("+admin" "to:admin@byteplant.com") ("+AV" "folder:/addressvalidator/") ("+EV" "folder:/addressvalidator/") ("+PV" "folder:/phonevalidator/") ("+sent" "folder:/Sent/")))) (define (main args) (let* ((mail-repo (string-append (passwd:dir (getpwuid (geteuid))) "/.mail/" )) (my-emails (list "hi@oscarnajera.com" "hello@oscarnajera.com" "najera.oscar@gmail.com")) (option-spec '((version (single-char #\V) (value #f)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)) (all (value #f)) (dry-run (single-char #\n) (value #f)))) (options (append (list (cons 'mail-repo mail-repo) (cons 'my-emails my-emails)) (getopt-long args option-spec))) (account (assq-ref options '()) )) (delete-email-files! options) (when (and (or (null? account) (and (string? account) (string=? account "hi_pers"))) (access? (string-append mail-repo "hi_pers") W_OK)) (move-mail! options "hi_pers" "tag:spam" "Inbox" "Junk")) (unless (option-ref options 'dry-run #f) (display "[SYNC]\n") (system (string-append "mbsync " (if (null? account) " -a" (car account)))) (display "[notmuch new]\n") (system "notmuch new")) (with-nm-database (ffi-db mail-repo 'NOTMUCH_DATABASE_MODE_READ_WRITE) (let* ((new (not (option-ref options 'all #f))) (tagger (notmuch-tag options ffi-db new))) (display "[TAG rules]\n") (map tagger tag-rules) (list-tag options ffi-db new) (display "[Inbox]\n") (tagger '("+inbox" "to:oscar@byteplant.com" "Inbox for the rest")) (tag-spam options ffi-db "tag:inbox"))))) ;; Local Variables: ;; mode: scheme ;; End: