############################################################################### # GMAIL IMAPAccount gmail # Address to connect to Host imap.gmail.com User najera.oscar@gmail.com PassCmd "pass show google/googlemail.com/najera.oscar" AuthMechs LOGIN # Use SSL SSLType IMAPS # The following line should work. If get certificate errors, uncomment the two following lines and read the "Troubleshooting" section. CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt #CertificateFile ~/.cert/imap.gmail.com.pem #CertificateFile ~/.cert/Equifax_Secure_CA.pem IMAPStore gmail-remote Account gmail MaildirStore gmail-local # The trailing "/" is important Path ~/.mail/gmail/ Inbox ~/.mail/gmail/Inbox SubFolders Legacy Channel gmail Master :gmail-remote: Slave :gmail-local: # Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders Patterns * ![Gmail]* "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" # Or include everything #Patterns * # Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server Create Both # Save the synchronization state files in the relevant directory SyncState * Expunge Both ############################################################################### # Personal IMAPAccount hi_pers Host git.oscarnajera.com User hi@oscarnajera.com PassCmd "pass show Correos/mail.oscarnajera.com" AuthMechs LOGIN SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore hi_pers-remote Account hi_pers MaildirStore hi_pers-local Path ~/.mail/hi_pers/ Inbox ~/.mail/hi_pers/Inbox SubFolders Verbatim Channel hi_pers Master :hi_pers-remote: Slave :hi_pers-local: Patterns * Create Both SyncState * Expunge Both ############################################################################### # AMZbooks IMAPAccount kindle Host git.oscarnajera.com User kindle@oscarnajera.com PassCmd "pass show Correos/kindle@oscarnajera.com" AuthMechs LOGIN SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore kindle-remote Account kindle MaildirStore kindle-local Path ~/.mail/kindle/ Inbox ~/.mail/kindle/Inbox SubFolders Verbatim Channel kindle Master :kindle-remote: Slave :kindle-local: Patterns * Create Both SyncState * Expunge Both ############################################################################### # Startup IMAPAccount delightfuldying Host git.oscarnajera.com User oscar.najera@delightfuldying.com PassCmd "pass show WebSites/delightfuldying.com/mailbox/julie" AuthMechs LOGIN SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore dd-remote Account delightfuldying MaildirStore dd-local Path ~/.mail/dd/ Inbox ~/.mail/dd/Inbox SubFolders Verbatim Channel delightfuldying Master :dd-remote: Slave :dd-local: Patterns * Create Both SyncState * Expunge Both ############################################################################### # Startup IMAPAccount fallforward Host git.oscarnajera.com User sarah@fallforward.space PassCmd "pass show WebSites/fallforward.space/mailbox/sarah" AuthMechs LOGIN SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore ff-remote Account fallforward MaildirStore ff-local Path ~/.mail/ff/ Inbox ~/.mail/ff/Inbox SubFolders Verbatim Channel fallforward Master :ff-remote: Slave :ff-local: Patterns * Create Both SyncState * Expunge Both # Local Variables: # mode: conf-unix # End: